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Great Article


Once again we find ourselves listening to the same, tired, repetitive tripe vomiting violently out of the mouths of ANTZ (Anti-Nicotine and Tobacco Zealots).  It generally goes something like this, “There still haven’t been any serious studies on the health effects of electronic cigarettes.”  This statement has been repeated like a broken record, like a broken record, like a broken record, like a… ehem… for about seven years now.  The actual level of ignorance present in this asinine statement, backed by all of the intimidating power of ulterior motives and corrupt special interests, is tantamount to me telling everyone I come across, in a self-assured, arrogant tone of voice, that nobody really knows yet whether or not Penicillin is effective.  The actual, real truth behind this phenomenon is that there have been more scientific studies, laboratory analyses, surveys, and medical professional opinion journal writings than you can shake a stick…

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